sites details
Become a Member: I'll get this for us, kay V?
Official sites along the route
- Niagra - Queenston to Grimsby
- Iroquoia - Grimsby to Kelso
- Toronto - Kelso to Cheltenham
- Caledon Hills - Cheltenham to Mono Center
- Dufferin Hi-land - Mono Center to Lavender
- Blue Mountains - Lavender to Craigleith
- Beaver Valley - Craigleith to Blantyre
- Sydenham - Blantyre to Wiarton
- Peninsula - Wiarton to Tobermory
Do you like what I did?
absolutely! :)
All text should line up with the background now, at least in IE and clones.
It doesn't line up with the lines in Mozilla. :( I'll have to check tomorrow from work!
I *do* like it, though! Nice touch with the picture! (Can we make it bigger?)
Sure we can! I just checked with mozilla too. Boo. I doubt I can get it perfect for all browsers. You know what though? I think it's good enough :)
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